New year, new blog

I've been toying with the idea of having a blog for a couple of years now and never took the plunge, but had some spare time recently and tried brainstorming a list of possible blog posts. I hit 20 ideas in about 10 minutes, just on software testing, so thought I should probably give it a shot.

A bit of background - by day I'm a software tester, and lots of the posts on here (although not all) will be related to that. I've been testing now for almost 19 years - my first role was as a graduate trainee with a testing consultancy, where I worked as a tester-on-demand to fill shortfalls with various large companies (mainly in the telecoms sector and some Y2K testing), as well as being involved in the production of a suite of testing tools (including some coding!) and acting as a test process analyst, going into various companies to audit their testing processes and offer suggestions for improvement. I then moved on to an educational software producer, testing and team leading on projects including animated on-screen books, game-based learning, e-marking software for GCSE papers and training materials for aspiring headteachers. Currently I'm a senior test analyst with a digital agency that provides websites and other services (including e-commerce) to clients in sectors as diverse as train service providers, food and drink retailers, car manufacturers and charitable organisations.

Before becoming a tester I studied maths to postgrad level (the title of my thesis, in the field of topology, contains two words I would now struggle to define precisely without a bit of revision!). When not doing family things with my wife and two kids I do try to keep my maths skills sharp with puzzles, crosswords, Rubik's cubes and the like, and I also do a bit of choral singing, trombone playing, terrible jazz piano, juggling and have a terrible penchant (punchant?) for puns and wordplay.

The blog name is my take on the Isaac Newton quote "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants", i.e. the boundaries of knowledge are extended by building on what has gone before. I don't think anything I add here will push boundaries of any sort (except for boundaries of taste if I overdo the puns) - it will be more of a distillation of things I've picked up along the way from others, so, in a way, looking over their shoulders. Plus, at 6'8" tall I'm close to being a giant so tend to look over most people anyway.

I'm hoping to post about once a week - work and life will probably get in the way but I'll try to keep it to a minimum of once a fortnight, first full post should follow next week. Please feel free to comment with questions, feedback, typos, ideas, or further contact details are available on the About Me page.
